Organization Objects

Organization objects have the following fields:


name (string)

A primary name, e.g. a legally recognized name (required)

classification (string, null)

An organization category, e.g. committee (required)

Allowed values:
  • legislature

  • executive

  • upper

  • lower

  • party

  • committee

  • commission

  • corporation

  • agency

  • department

parent_id (string, null)

The ID of the organization that contains this organization (required)

contact_details (array)

Contact information for this entity. (required, minItems: 0)

Each element in contact_details is an object with the following keys:

note (string, null)

for grouping data by location/etc. (required)

type (string)

type of contact (e.g. phone, email, address) (required)

value (string)

actual phone number/email address/etc. (required)

label (string, null)

human-readable label (required)

links (array)

URLs for documents about the person (required, minItems: 0)

Each element in links is an object with the following keys:

note (string, null)

A note, e.g. ‘Wikipedia page’ (required)

url (string)

A URL for a document about the person (required)


posts (array)

Posts within the organization (required, minItems: 0)

Each element in posts is an object with the following keys:

id (string, null)

The post’s unique identifier (required)

label (string)

A label describing the post (required)

role (string, null)

The function that the holder of the post fulfills (required)

start_date (string, null)

The date on which the post was created (required)

(must match format: ^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){0,2}$)

end_date (string, null)

The date on which the post was eliminated (required)

(must match format: ^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){0,2}$)

contact_details (array)

Contact information for this entity. (required, minItems: 0)

Each element in contact_details is an object with the following keys:

note (string, null)

for grouping data by location/etc. (required)

type (string)

type of contact (e.g. phone, email, address) (required)

value (string)

actual phone number/email address/etc. (required)

label (string, null)

human-readable label (required)

links (array)

URLs for documents about the person (required, minItems: 0)

Each element in links is an object with the following keys:

note (string, null)

A note, e.g. ‘Wikipedia page’ (required)

url (string)

A URL for a document about the person (required)

Extended Details

image (string, null)

A URL of an image (required)

founding_date (string, null)

A date of founding (required)

(must match format: ^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){0,2}$)

dissolution_date (string, null)

A date of dissolution (required)

(must match format: ^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){0,2}$)

Alternate Names/Identifiers

identifiers (array)

IDs other than the primary ID that the object may be known by. (required, minItems: 0)

Each element in identifiers is an object with the following keys:

scheme (string, null)

What service this identifier is used by. (required)

identifier (string)

The 3rd-party identifier, such as OKL0001000. (required)

other_names (array)

Alternate or former names for this object. (required, minItems: 0)

Each element in other_names is an object with the following keys:

note (string, null)

An optional note describing where this alternate name came from or its relationship to the entity. (required)

name (string)

An alternate name this object is sometimes known by. (required)

end_date (string, null)

The date at which this name was no longer valid. (null if still valid/valid indefinitely) (required)

(must match format: ^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){0,2}$)

start_date (string, null)

The date at which this name became valid.(null if unknown/valid indefinitely) (required)

(must match format: ^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){0,2}$)

Common Fields

updated_at (string, datetime, null)

The time at which the resource was last modified (required)

created_at (string, datetime, null)

The time at which the resource was created (required)

sources (array)

URLs for sources relating to the object (required, minItems: 1)

Each element in sources is an object with the following keys:

url (string)

URL of resource used to collect information (required)

note (null, string)

note about what information this URL was used for (required)